Argo in Focus:
Argo International

Argo International’s Katie MacGregor reveals how a new system enables the company to deliver on its claims commitments with precision and speed.

Tweet this Katie MacGregor explains how a new approach to claims gives her team the power to focus on achieving the best possible results.

Argo Group is focused on improving its processes by making them simpler, more efficient, and able to deliver the best achievable results in the fastest time possible. Katie MacGregor, the head of claims for Argo International, believes this effort is valuable not only on the face of it, but also to lay the groundwork for additional advances elsewhere.

“Innovation shouldn’t be restricted to completely new ideas,” she says. “We also need to innovate around bread-and-butter processes. By doing that, we create building blocks for the future.”

A clear example of this approach in action is the implementation of an automated claims system. The integrated system enables Argo International – which is the trading brand of Syndicate 1200 at Lloyd’s – to take a holistic view of each claim. Claims handlers read claims notes, access relevant emails, view diary reminders, receive enhanced data, record declinatures, monitor export spend, and stay alert to cases flagged as ones to watch.

Armed with this information and guidance, Argo International has the ability to respond to each claim quickly and precisely. When it comes to claims, precision and speed are the two most appealing qualities in the eyes of brokers and customers.

Katie says the system corresponds with Argo’s overall approach to digital. It is also an ideal solution for the Syndicate’s growing business.

“Our focused approach gives us the ability to proactively manage claims, rather than wait to respond to requests from brokers,” she says. “Managing the lifecycle of claims improves our service to customers, because we are resolving them quicker – enabling insureds to move on with their lives. And when our insureds are happy, our brokers are happy.”


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Katie MacGregor is head of claims for Argo International. Based in London, she is a lawyer by education and began her career as a solicitor before entering insurance in 2002. In her current role, Katie is responsible for claims operations at Argo Group’s Syndicate 1200 at Lloyd’s.