3 Argo Group Leaders Share Advice on Finding Your Way in an Insurance Career

Industry veterans share insights they've learned along their unique career journeys.

Navigating the many career paths and options in the insurance industry can be daunting. At a recent LinkedIn Live, a panel of accomplished Argo Group leaders shared advice on how to build a successful career – and how Argo Group makes it possible.

  • Keep an open mind about the different paths available on your career journey. “We never know where we’re going to end up,” says Kimberly Lewis, SVP – Professional Insurance Manager. “Be brave and adaptable. When opportunities come, they usually come without notice. Be ready for those opportunities and take them.”
  • Embrace chances to learn new skills. “When asked to support a project, just raise your hand,” says Christina Parr, VP, Head of Leadership and Organizational Development. “Show that initiative, research, learn, talk to experts in various areas, and you’ll get better in time.” Christina highlighted Argo Group programs that empower employees to expand their skillset by tackling cross-departmental projects.
  • Look for strong managerial support to advocate for your growth. “A good manager will recognize your weaknesses and strengths, because everybody has them,” says Jason McMichael, Workers Compensation Claims Manager. At Argo Group, managers like Jason check in regularly and collaborate with other departments to help employees find the role they excel best in.

Watch the full LinkedIn Live to hear all the panelists’ advice.

Visit the Argo Careers page to discover opportunities to take your insurance career to the next level.

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