Employees Share How Argo Supports Their Growth and Success

Employees and their managers explain how the company recognizes and rewards talent through mentorship and training.

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Argo Group has created a culture that empowers and rewards rising leaders. This is exhibited by the nomination of two Argo leaders to attend the upcoming Emerging Leaders Conference, a training and networking event for the insurance industry.

The company’s culture rewards enterprising employees.

Tirzah Bartley, Underwriting Technical Specialist, Casualty, often brings innovative ideas to her manager, LaQuisha McCraw, AVP Underwriting. “I talk to LaQuisha and she will talk to her manager to see how we can make this project something I can actually do,” says Tirzah.

LaQuisha was impressed by Tirzah’s initiative, so she nominated her to attend the Emerging Leaders Conference. “We nominate individuals who go above and beyond and Tirzah just fits the bill,” says LaQuisha. 

Managers at Argo Group have a personal approach to developing talent.

Mitchell Valadez, AVP Underwriting, Marine, was nominated to attend the conference as well. He credits much of his success to the mentorship of his manager, Eric Michel, SVP Underwriting. “Eric helped recognize my leadership skills and actively helped me foster the growth I wanted in my career,” says Mitchell.

To develop Mitchell’s leadership skills, Eric taught him how to mentor another employee. “It was really exciting to see how Mitchell could translate his passion and skills to help this other employee grow and succeed,” remembers Eric. “That was the first glimpse where I knew Mitchell is a leader.” 

Promising leaders can quickly advance to roles with more responsibility.

Mitchell says advancement at Argo can happen quickly. “I was originally hired as a senior underwriter and got promoted to the Assistant Vice President about six or seven months into my time here.”

Tirzah had a similar experience. “I started off as a senior underwriter. About a year in I got promoted to an underwriting specialist to help with newer underwriters.” 

Join a culture where leaders are developed and rewarded.

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