Inland marine protection – customized by experts to meet your needs

No two insureds are the same, which is why Argo Marine flexes to fit the unique needs of each policyholder. Our underwriting staff is built on the pillars of flexibility, knowledge and creativity – exactly the features required to ensure the smartest approach to each client risk.

How we protect our clients

  • Specialized expertise in a range of areas, including logistics, construction, specialty equipment floaters and builders’ risk.
  • Dedicated staff who can handle every aspect of your policy, from underwriters to claims and even loss control.
  • Products, materials and equipment coverage whether transported over land or temporarily warehoused.


Positive Outlook

A.M. Best



Standard and Poor's

Inland Marine

Argo Marine offers a full suite of admitted and non-admitted products and coverages for the inland marine market.

Julie Saunders
SVP, Head of Inland Marine

Andrew Hellman
AVP, Marketing and Producer Management

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