Any complaints regarding the contractual relationship or the management of the claims, also regarding Ariscom Insurance Company insurance policies, must be sent in writing to:
ArgoGlobal Assicurazioni S.p.A.
Complaints office
Via Guido d’Arezzo, 14 – 00198 Rome
Fax 06-85305707
e-mail: [email protected] – [email protected]
For the purposes of prompt management, it is advisable to include in the complaint, in addition to the complainant’s references, the policy number, the number and date of the claim, a brief description of the reason for the complaint, and providing any other information and document useful for finding the case.
If the exponent does not consider himself satisfied by the outcome of the complaint or in the absence of a reply within a maximum period of 45 days from the receipt of the complaint, he may contact the Supervisory Authority, accompanied by the documentation relating to the complaint previously sent to the Company:
IVASS – User Protection Service
Via del Quirinale, 21 – 00187 Rome
Using the template available on the IVASS website in the section: “Guide to complaints“.
In relation to disputes concerning the quantification of benefits and the attribution of responsibilities, it is recalled that the exclusive competence of the Judicial Authority remains, in addition to the faculty to resort to conciliation systems where existing, such as:
Assisted Negotiation Procedure (Decree Law 132/2014 converted with amendments into Law No. 162/2014): The assisted negotiation agreement is an agreement whereby the parties agree to cooperate in good faith and with loyalty to resolve the dispute amicably through the assistance of Lawyers registered in the Register.
Mediation Procedure (Decree Law 28/2010) The request for mediation is presented by filing an application with a body, registered in a special Register, established at the Ministry of Justice, which is located in the place of the territorially competent Judge for the dispute. The aforementioned mediation is mandatory in the event that you intend to take legal action for a dispute concerning insurance contracts. In all other cases, anyone can access mediation for the conciliation of a civil and commercial dispute concerning available rights.
Arbitration procedure: as provided for in the contract, should a disagreement arise between the parties about the amount of the damage, the experts, appointed by each of the parties, agree on the appointment of a third expert, who will make decisions regarding the disputed points, by majority
For any information relating to the management of claims or to follow the status of the case, please contact the Claims Office of ArgoGlobal Assicurazioni S.p.A., formerly Ariscom Compagnia di Assicurazioni S.p.A.