How Argo Casualty Clarifies Appetites and Provides Creative Solutions for Brokers

Three Argo leaders share how they help brokers succeed through tailored solutions, clear appetites and cross-team collaboration.

In a recent LinkedIn Live event, Argo’s Casualty leaders provided insights into the strategies that set them apart in the industry, from targeted underwriting approaches to proactive broker relationships.  

  • Leveraging expertise for tailored solutions. Argo’s ability to deliver customized solutions stems from its deep understanding of market needs and the importance of communication with brokers. Marissa Prestimonico, VP of New York Construction, explained, “You must stay informed and keep a constant pulse on what is happening in the market.” Rather than simply relying on “box underwriting,” the team focuses on the individual need. “We have to capitalize on our underwriting expertise and truly hone in on individual risks, allowing them to stand on their own.”
  • Proactively seeking the best business through focused appetites. By clearly stating the company’s appetite and pursuing only that business, Casualty leaders are providing clarity for brokers. Joy Christie, Head of Environmental, shares an example of the kind of business his team is focused on. “We’re going after manufacturing and distribution operations, specifically in the commercial and industrial states. Personally, I see tremendous growth in this sector.” That kind of pinpoint focus provides clarity both within the company and with brokers.
  • Breaking down silos for enhanced collaboration. Chris Schramm, Head of Primary and Excess Casualty, works with his Construction underwriting colleagues to understand the market. “When things are changing in that marketplace, we need to be informed on what’s going on there and make sure that we have an approach to the market that makes sense for us and our brokers.” This helps both teams anticipate emerging trends and maintain consistency when working with brokers.   

Watch the Full LinkedIn Live Event
To hear more insights from Argo’s Casualty leaders and learn how they are driving success in the casualty insurance market, watch the full LinkedIn Live event.  

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