How Argo Group Helped a Broker Increase Volume Without Sacrificing Service

By partnering with Argo, Synapse Services grew its business while maintaining high service standards.

Synapse Services, a wholesale broker known for exceptional customer service, was struggling to manage the volume of submissions from their small business clients. In partnership with Argo Group, they developed a way to maintain great client experience for small business customers while increasing time and energy for larger, strategic accounts. 

Argo turns around excellent policies for Synapse in five days or less.

“Argo very quickly stood out as a great partner,” says Lauren Atkinson, Executive Vice President of Synapse. “We knew that the product they delivered would be awesome right out the door.” 

Argo had the right infrastructure to meet the needs of smaller clients without sacrificing service. The companies worked together on a plan that allowed Argo to quickly handle Synapse’s smaller submissions.  

The collaboration allows Synapse to bind more quotes in less time.

David Corry, Head of Casualty, says regular communication was key to delivering a high volume at a regular cadence. “We have frequent updates on a monthly basis on how we’re doing on our metrics, including quote turnarounds and policy issuance,” explains Corry.

With such a close partnership, there’s no need to spend time going over policy and appetite details that have been agreed upon long ago. “There’s much less back and forth,” says Atkinson. “Argo knows Synapse intimately well, and Synapse knows Argo intimately well.”

With Argo’s help, Synapse grows its business while maintaining high service standards.

“Argo has been critical to my success,” says Atkinson. “Even though we’re handling a much larger volume of policies, we’re able to get quotes and binders out faster to our clients.” 

Increased capacity from the Argo partnership empowers Synapse to win more business. “Having partners like Argo has enabled us to say yes to business we may have not been able to before,” says Atkinson.  

For Corry, helping Synapse maintain their excellent record with clients is a core part of the job. “They make the retailer look good to the insured, we make Synapse look good to the retailer.”

Ramp up volume without downgrading service – partner with Argo.

Work with an Argo expert in your line of business. 

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